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Documenting the journey of a lifestyle in order to connect Mind, Body, and Soul. Providing inspired posts with an overall aim to bridge understandings to our true nature.
"Our soul is like a flower,
ust bloom
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Featured Posts
Music Power | "Remember Me"
Music Power | Don't Worry Be HAPPY
Music and the Soul
Mobile Flea Market | Alabama
Hymn For The Weekend
Music and the Soul
Albert Einstein | Creativity
Featured Product | Ionantha 100 Pack
Plant Art | Cactus Terrarium
Plant Art | Cactus Terrarium
A Plant Story
The lotus flower grows from muddy waters - Embrace your life struggles, they provided you growth.
Music Monday | The Bloom
I love this song and can't help but feel it was made just for me! Just Bloom! "She is but a flower" [Plants in video: Bougainvillea,...
Diary of a Weird Kid
A Plant's Story As a garden enthusiast for the past 7 years, and low-key amateur scientist, I have come to realize how closely our lives...
New Air Plants| Medusa Plant
New air plant of the month, the tillandsia caput medusae - also known as the Medusa plant. The Medusa plant gets its name due to its...
Soul Sunday | The Keys To Abundance
Soul series with author and spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle with Oprah.
Soul Sundays | The Art of Vulnerability
As someone who worked over 10 years with 2 degrees in the finance and accounting field , this Ted Talk with Brene Brown really resonated...
Sexual Chocolate!
Watched this video with friends today, still funny! #ThatBoyGood"
Manifestos for Design
1. Reduce: The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction. 2. Organize: Organization makes a system of many...
Power of Meditation
1 Hour Yoga Music for Shamanic Drumming Meditation (with Taiko Drums)
Bruce Lee Power | Interview 1972
Bruce Lee radio interview with Ted Thomas in 1972. "Be always yourself" - Bruce Lee
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